Effects of BFR Training on Bone Health

Learn how to maintain Bone Health with BFR Exercise

Strength Training Improves Your Bones

BFR with B3 Bands allows you to do Light Exercise, even walking, that creates a response similar to High Intensity Exercise

Why is Strength Training Important?

From Harvard Health - Strength Training Builds More Than Muscles

Read the Article Here


  • Most of us know that strength training can help build and maintain muscle mass and strength.
  • What many of us don't know is that strong muscles lead to strong bones.
  • Strong bones can help minimize the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis.

The Problem: Most people can't or won't do Vigorous Exercise like Strength Training

The Solution: Light Exercise with B3 Bands simulates Vigorous Exercise in your Body!


Peer Review Concludes BFR Benefits your Bones

Peer Review of Exercise with BFR . . .  As easy as Walking!

Go here to see the Review


Using BFR showed improved skeletal bone mass patterns

Low intensity exercise combined with BFR may provide not only an increase in muscle adaptation, but also in bone and consequently modification in its biomarkers

BFR training accelerates bone metabolism

Both aerobic and anaerobic exercises combined with BFR can provide satisfactory results related to the bone biomarkers.


BFR is a feasible and applicable alternative to many population groups (elderly, young, physically active or not), that aim to treat or slow up the effects of bone diseases


Easy Bands Exercises for Seniors

People in Wheelchairs or Using Walkers Can Do BFR

Bands Exercises for People in Wheelchairs or Using Walkers

Studies Prove BFR is Safe

Safety Study: Walking


  • These findings suggest that at-risk populations can perform BFR without fear of overt cardiovascular risk.

Read the Study


Safety Study Yoga


  • We found that there were no further elevations in arterial blood pressure and myocardial oxygen demand when B3/B Strong Bands were added to yoga practices.
  • Our findings indicate that B3/B Strong Bands can be applied to yoga while avoiding unfavorable hemodynamic responses and preserving the intended effects on muscle hypertrophy.

Read the Study


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